Switch Kit

Deposit services

Switching to SAPB

Every year more people are making the switch to Trust Check Finance Private Bank. Customers who’ve made the switch enjoyed many benefits including: improved convenience, friendly service and lower fees! But occasionally someone may hesitate because they don’t know how easy it is to make the switch to SAPB. Let us help!

Our Customer Service Representatives (CSRs) are eager to guide you through the process of switching to Swiss Apex Private Bank. The process begins when you open a new account with SAPB. Once established, then your direct depositors and automatic payees should each be properly authorized to initiate direct deposits and/or automatic payments to your account(s).

Our CSRs are willing to help you telephone the Social Security Administration or other U.S. government agency that will work with us. While you are at the bank and in our presence, we can telephone the paying agency to request them to initiate the process of switching your direct deposit to your new SAPB account. If your direct deposit is from your employer, a pension or a private company we can also assist you in completing the specific form your company may require.

Automatic payments for recurring payments such as utility bills, insurance premiums or other monthly expenses are also very popular. Should you want to establish or switch an automatic payment from your new account then at your request, we can assist you in this process. SAPB offers a SWITCH KIT that you may use in the event your depositor or payee does not require a specific form.

Whether you use the agency required forms or the switch kit form provided above, we are ready and willing to assist you in completing the required documentation. You may just have a question or two about our bank identification numbers. Whatever your need we are ready to respond to your questions. Just gather all the information required by the company and bring the form in to any branch and speak to a CSR. Switching banks doesn’t have to a hassle when you have the right bank. We’re here to help!