
Trust Check Finance

1Savings-account interest is compounded and credited monthly, based on the daily collected balance. Interest rates are variable and determined daily at Trust Check Finance's discretion and are subject to change without notice. Balance tiers are applicable as of the effective date of these rates and may change at Trust Check Finance's discretion. Account fees could reduce earnings. CD interest is fixed for the duration of the term and is compounded daily.

2For Trust Check Finance Premier Savings: Earn Premier relationship rates when you link the account to a Trust Check Finance Premier Plus Checking or Trust Check Finance Sapphire Checking account, and make at least five customer-initiated transactions in a monthly statement period using your linked checking account.

3Autosave is not available with Trust Check Finance First Banking.


The content of this page is informational only. Accounts are subject to approval. The terms of the accounts, including any fees or features, may change. See the Deposit Account Agreement and Additional Banking Services and Fees for the terms and conditions associated with these products.